Take a minute out of your day to relax.

A lot of things in life are beyond our control, but it is quite possible to have greater control over our responses to the stressors life brings. We can reduce our stress levels and its negative effects by cultivating mindfulness and focus. The practice of meditation allows our minds to focus and our breathing to deepen and find a sense of calm and peace.

Give yourself the gift of inner peace.

Independent meditation: Sound bath with Valerie Sonnenthal.


Give yourself the gift of inner peace.

Guided meditation practice with Justin Donham.


eBook “Curating Habits that Stick” developed by wellness partners Saint Belford Australia.

There are so many resources available to us to help on our journey to better Health and Wellness.  Whether it’s a  magazine article, a podcast, or another organization with whom we can partner to bring tips and information your way.  In my experience, I have found creating healthy habits to replace unhealthy behaviors can be the most beneficial in the long run.  I don’t mean dropping a habit ‘cold turkey’ or saying, “Beginning Monday, I am going to (fill in the blank)”.  I mean taking the small steps toward building better habits.  BeWell-MV/CCMHG has found a great eBook developed by our friends in Australia and we are gifting it to you.

Mindful Movement with Derek Notman

We are blessed to have Derek teaching live virtual “Mindful Movement” classes to our community from October through April.

In his classes, Derek stresses the Felt Sense, listening internally to one’s body and moving with sensitivity and intention. For over three decades, Derek has dedicated his life to studying physical culture and philosophy. This pursuit has led him worldwide, including time living in China and South East Asia, studying with traditional masters of martial, movement, and healing arts.

His Mindful Movement class incorporates gentle, healing movements to promote circulation and breath. This relaxing and effective form of movement therapy will help you maintain good posture, healthy joints, and overall vitality. 

Learn more about Derek’s practice at his website: islandphysicalculture.com