To improve the overall health, well-being and quality of life of all CCMHG members by promoting the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. To create opportunities that empower, educate, and model positive attitudes and behaviors through a lifelong commitment to wellness.

Ask a group of people about Wellness and you’ll likely get a number of answers that all harken back to what being ‘Well’ really means.  Someone may say regular exercise and being fit.  Another person will say following a Paleo Diet or eating ‘clean’.  Another person may define being ‘well’ means they feel calm and under control, and that stresses are managed through movement or meditation.  

The truth is, Wellness has many different dimensions that work together to create a balance.  One doesn’t have to follow a certain diet or be a runner, a yogi, or follow the latest ‘health and wellness’ trend.  Wellness is finding the balance that works for you.  Learning about the 8 Dimensions of Wellness and incorporating each facet into your every-day efforts is taking care of yourself.  There’s the key:  Taking the time to take care
Cape Cod Municipal Health Group and BeWell-MV are working to bring opportunities to you to learn and grow and Be Well


Caring for your body to stay healthy now and in the future

Get out and walk. Take a hike. Dance to your favorite tunes while cooking dinner.  Zoom into a Stretch class. There are so many ‘secret’ things happening on Island that help us maybe step outside our comfort zone just a little and move just a little more.  


Growing intellectually, maintaining curiosity about all there is to learn, valuing lifelong learning, and responding positively to intellectual changes. Expanding knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing your gifts

Curiosity and critical thinking help us grow and stay sharp.  Did you know all events and activities through the Island libraries is free of charge?  Haiku Challenge? Yup.  Want to practice your French speaking?  Try any/all of our local library websites.  There are all kinds of book clubs, movement classes, lectures, Met opera viewings, audible books and other activities to keep your brain exercised! 


Understanding and respecting your feelings, values, and attitudes
Appreciating the feelings of others
Feeling positive and enthusiastic about your life

Our mental health is key.  We cannot be well without caring for ourselves mentally.  Social connection is important and lacking these days.  Connecting with folks that can help us find perspective or just listen is instrumental to our mental well-being.  Mental health services are currently offered free/no co-pay.  Contact your Benefit Administrator to find out more.


Maintaining healthy relationships, enjoying being with others, developing friendships and intimate relations, caring about others, and letting others care about you

We’ve been pretty isolated these past months.  Whether because of the COVID-19 pandemic or the natural rhythm of the Island Season, we haven’t been gathering to connect, exchange thoughts and ideas, or just share a meal. Maintaining social connections for overall health and well-being.  We may live on an island, but no man is an island – we need each other!  Make the effort to join a virtual book club, check on friends and family who may be feeling blue, make a plan with a friend for an outdoor hike/walk – you’ll reap the rewards, too.  


Finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life with or without organized religion
Participating in activities that are consistent with your beliefs

Spiritual fulfillment doesn’t mean you have to attend church, or even have a deep faith.  Knowing our values and priorities and honoring them is important to our feeling of being WELL.  The key is to find a purpose each day and give it our best.  Today, your purpose may be to reach out to someone who may need a boost, or it may to finish folding the laundry!  Small steps offer big rewards.


Preparing for and participating in work that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment that is consistent with yours values, goals, and lifestyle

Work is hard especially during times of COVID.  We are still learning to balance the work life with the home life.  It’s important to like – really like – what you do, prepare for each day and approach your work with an attitude that sets the tone for the day.  You may have an intense day ahead that you really are not looking forward to but you can turn that right around.  Prepare & Pause.  Do your best to PREPARE for the day ahead and when needed PAUSE, take a minute to do a breathing exercise, take a little walk or stretch when you begin to feel it’s just too much.  Your To-Do List should not only the things you need TO DO but also the things you like and enjoy about your job.  Think:” I am so productive” rather than “I am so busy”.  


Managing your resources to live within your means making informed financial decisions and investments, setting realistic goals, and preparing for short-term and long-term needs or emergencies

All CCMHG Programs and activities are free to members, active and retired.  Take advantage of the resources available on island, through BeWell-MV, the local libraries, and non-profit organizations.  There are so many free and ‘secret’ things going on that benefit our whole community. 


Understanding how your social, natural, and built environments affect your health and well-being
Being aware of the unstable state of the earth and the effects of your daily habits on the physical environment
Demonstrating commitment to a healthy planet

Studies have proven getting outside is beneficial to all.  Start the day by stepping out your door and taking a big deep breath, drink your coffee on the deck, join the weekday morning Walking Group, take a weekend hike.  Whatever you do, try to get outside and observe your surroundings.  Once you get into the habit of daily outdoor time you’ll see so many subtle changes – in yourself and in the world around you.